10/19/2018 Bald guys get quiffs...Many of you follically challenged guys are considering your options when it comes hair loss. Not many of you are keen about hair transplants and the success rate isn’t all that great (in my opinion anyway). Here’s a company that's giving you guys an option for non-surgical hair replacement. Quiff & Co was founded by Ant & Stevie, a young couple based in Surrey, England. After many years of seeing family and friends dealing with hair loss, trying everything on the market, from hair transplant surgery, visiting hair loss clinics for medications, ointments and potions, nothing seemed to deliver a full perfect head of hair. Over the last 7 years, we have developed our knowledge in non surgical hair replacement. After receiving messages from men all over the world who wanted help with their hair loss, we decided to share our secret. We are Quiff. You can follow them on Facebook here Can you trust your hair transplant provider? Man For Himself contributor Spencer “Spex” Stevenson discusses the growth of phoney transplant providers, the danger, and what you can do to always receive the hair transplant you’ve paid for.
As you know, our soggy island has encountered one of the most resplendent summers in recent memory. And while many us ‘mane purveyors’ have been out and about proudly displaying our hirsute chests and man-scaped bonces, the transplant industry has been warming up at an unbelievable rate as well. The worry for us follicle chasers is that the industry is increasingly awash with unscrupulous operators, peddling below-par products and services. Sadly, the number of repair patients is growing every day. The reality is, us hair growth journeymen (and women) are now faced with a very serious danger, with so-called practitioners impersonating industry professionals and stopping at nothing to make a quick buck. As we enter an increasingly perilous landscape, there’s no question that certain individuals are actually regressing the space that numerous qualified and master craftspeople have committed their lives to; with many offering pioneering products and a level of service that has made huge strides in the search for a cure to male pattern baldness. The issue has been further opened up by the maelstrom that is the Interwebs, which can be a heaving, breathing mess of fake news and false claims. This has made it even harder for the reputable ‘players’ to get the truth out there; and in doing as such ensure the blameless, know-no-better patients avoid being on the end of what amounts to a modern-day scalping. Over the years, I’ve got to know patients looking for my guidance in the area of hair repair. Shockingly, many of these human guinea pigs have been utilised and manhandled by the business’ greatest criminals – as was I! Read the rest of this article here >>> Long hair is sick, there’s no doubt about that. At times, it can also be challenging to deal with. It can be unwieldy, in the way, and sometimes just downright annoying. Here’s six quick tricks for guys with long hair. BRAID LIKE A BOSS Keeping your three strands separate can be challenging when learning to braid. I’ve found a way to make it easier for beginner braiders and even trained twisters. Pull your hair all the way through a hair tie as if you’re tying a menstail, but don’t wrap the tie more than once. The tie should be loose on your hair. At this point, separate your hair into three strands. The hair tie should make it easy to keep all of your hair pulled tight and keep your three strands close and easy to handle. Braid as usual. Then just slide the hair tie down the braid and tie it off. CATCH SOME ZZZ’S Sleeping with my hair down left me waking up with hair in my eyes and ears and mouth and nose. I also found it would tangled as shit from moving around in my sleep. Solution? Tie it up! After experimenting with several different sleep styles, I’ve found that twisting it up into a loose braid or grabbing a couple extra ties and tying it into “The Snake”* are the best ways to keep the hair out of my face and free of tangles. Keeping it a bit loose helps to not pull on the scalp so you don’t wake up with a headache. *(https://blog.thelonghairs.us/10-sick-ways-to-wear-your-long-hair-and-several-others/) DISCLAIMER: These two styles (above) are not recommended if you sleep on your back. Refer instead to: https://blog.thelonghairs.us/sleeping-long-hair/ CONTAIN THE SHEDDIN’ MANE I guarantee that as a longhair, you will find hair. It will be freakin’ EVERYWHERE. Especially in the bathroom… where you wash, comb, brush, and mess with your hair most. You’ll find it clogging the shower drain, on the floor, in the sink, on the counter, and anywhere else you forget to look. Annoying, right?! The best way to handle this is to contain the shed. Just put it all in the same place. Keep it out of the shower drain by putting all the hair that sheds during a wash or condition on the shower wall. When you’re finished, swirl it all up into a ball and toss it in the trash. When combing, brushing, blow drying, or doing whatever you do to style your hair, put everything that falls out into the sink. Again, when you’re finished, ball it up and toss it. HINT: Don’t freak out, it’s totally natural to shed some hair when combing, washing, or brushing. KEEP IT DRY I don’t usually blow dry my hair, and my hair takes forever to air dry. So, on days I’m not washing or conditioning, it’s gotta stay dry. To keep my hair out of the shower stream, I pull it up into a Super High Ball or a Foldover all the way on top of my head. This gets my hair totally out of the way so I can still wash my shoulders, back, and neck while my hair stays desert dry. HOODED AND BUNDLED Have you ever worn a hoodie or a coat with a collar and found your hair won’t lay over the hood or collar without going all over the place and getting crazy tangled? Yeah, me too. Try out a side menstail or a side braid. Pull your hair all to one side, just behind your ear. Then, tie a menstail or twist it up like usual. Your locks will lay over your shoulder and down your chest, totally out of the way of your collar or hood. THE DOUBLE TIE Sometimes one hair tie just isn’t enough to hold your mane. Even for the Superior Hair Ties for Men. Running, tumbling, and other high impact activities may require more hold than just one tie can provide. And hair falling in your face can be annoying and precarious in these active situations.
So, Double up. Start with two hair ties on your wrist. Then, tie up your favorite hairstyle for working out. BUT, instead of just pulling one hair tie of your wrist, pull them both together and tie your hair using both for a super strong hold. This article appeared on The Longhairs And there’s not a frosted tip in sight. I can live happily knowing that most late-’90s trends will never (hopefully?) be back in style: JNCO jeans and puka-shell necklaces are still buried in a time capsule. I pray they stay there. I would have said the same for guys getting highlights—I'm picturing Chris Kirkpatrick and Nick Lachey with their immortally frosted tips. But recently I’ve been seeing subtle highlights on the runway and in editorial spreads, and I have to say I don't hate it. Most recently, Chris Evans graced the cover of L’Uomo Vogue sporting a barely-noticeable-yet-definitely-lightened layer on top of his naturally darker hair.
He's not using highlights to stand out. He's using them to blend in, to add depth to his styles. “Everything we’re seeing now is understated, almost sun-soaked,” says Tyson Kennedy, co-owner of Cutler Salon in NYC. “Lately guys prefer a more natural look, working with the hair’s traits instead of forcing anything against the color, texture, and flow.” Kennedy attributes the highlight resurgence to a ramping-down of recent hairstyle trends, like the gray and platinum hair dyeing, as well as all of the “classic, structured barbershop looks” that have dominated for the past few years. “For a while, everything was bold and demanded attention,” he says. “We had slicked-back undercuts with shiny pomades and tight fades, lots of really strong looks.” Natural-looking highlights allow guys to loosen up, to relax. (Time to channel your inner surfer, brah?) I’ll take any excuse to look great with less effort. General chill-ness aside, it’s important to know the rules of highlights, since they don’t work for all hair types. To get it right the first time, memorize these 10 commandments before you head to the salon. And you will head to the salon, because the last commandment is the most important: Never do it at home. -- 1. You should get highlights if you want to add visual texture to your style. Think of the verb “highlight”: It means “to emphasize,” and that’s exactly what you’re aiming to achieve. You’re emphasizing the texture and layers of your hair with small pieces of slightly lighter color scattered throughout. Typically, your colorist will paint small clusters of hair, particularly around the hairline and very lightly back from there, on top of the head. Your highlights may not be the same as another guy’s. “It’s always done based on the hairline and the way that the hair naturally lies,” says Pamella Gonzalez, Cutler’s in-house colorist. So trust that your colorist will know what looks best. Usually, less is more. 2. …And if you want more physical texture. An added benefit of highlights is that they boost the grit of your hair, too. It’s perfect for guys whose straight hair falls limp without any styler. “We’re putting in bleach to lighten the hair, but what it’s really doing is expanding the cuticle so that your hair has more texture,” says Gonzalez. 3. Highlights should not be confused with hair dye. Highlights are supposed to look natural. They complement your natural tone by subtly contrasting themselves against the rest of your hair. If you merely bleach parts of your hair, or if you pick a vivid or unnatural color, then you’re technically not highlighting. Anything else is designed to draw attention to itself, where highlights are devised to draw attention to the overall, mostly natural look. 4. Guys with thinning hair should proceed with caution. Bad news for guys who are balding: While highlights usually add natural texture to the hair, it’s only the case for fuller styles. Some texturizing products can give you the illusion of fuller hair, but highlights won’t do the same. Gonzalez advises against coloring the hair, because the cuticle isn’t strong enough to take the chemicals and toner. You might compromise whatever it is you have left. 5. If you want to grow your hair out, it’s best to avoid artificial color. Your hair can only take so much wear, and coloring it (with bleach, dye, or highlights) will really compromise its health. “You don’t want to lighten the same pieces of hair more than once or twice,” says Kennedy. “This will really thin it out and strip the hair of its properties.” So if you’re getting haircuts every six weeks and chopping it off at regular intervals, then highlights are a great choice, since they’ll add movement, volume, and variety. Otherwise, focus your attention on healthy hair growth, since you’re playing a long game. 6. Certain hair colors shouldn’t be highlighted. “If you have dark brown hair, you don’t want to go lighter than a light brown,” says Gonzalez. “It’ll look artificial.” Luckily, guys with light brown and dark blond hair have more flexibility with tone options. You can go much lighter than one shade, because the contrast won’t be as high. (And thus it won’t detract from the overall natural look.) However, this is bad for guys with black hair: The contrast is so high that almost any highlights will detract from your natural color. Instead, you should praise the day that your natural grays start sprouting. 7. You’ll need color-preserving hair-care products. “You need some good silver shampoo,” says Kennedy, “especially if you go for a cooler blond. It can start turning orange or gold.” You might remember, during the gray-hair-dyeing trend, that some guys’ hair was turning purple. This was because they weren’t using the right shampoo to preserve the gray tone, and the same can be said of bleached or highlighted hair: You’ve already stripped the natural color and have replaced it with an artificial one. That artificial one can fade or change if you don’t treat it properly. 8. And you must treat it daily. Not only do you need to use a specific type of shampoo and conditioner, you’ll need to use them frequently—particularly the conditioner. It will keep the hair soft, which is critical after it’s been stripped of color and treated with toner. That grit you’ve added to the cuticle is great for styling but not terrific for the overall health of your hair. (Hence the reason guys with thinning hair shouldn’t color theirs.) Wash it every other day, and condition every single day. 9. Don’t confuse men’s highlights with women’s highlights. “Usually with men, we put in fewer highlights,” says Gonzalez. “We’re highlighting it to see nuances that you wouldn’t see if it were all solid. With women’s hair, however, it’s about getting an all-over lightened effect.” This is fairly universal across different hair lengths, too. Women will highlight larger clusters of hair, as if to let the darker roots show through, whereas men’s highlights flatter more when scattered strategically, like light undertones. 10. Always hire a professional. “You need to lift the color to the right tone, or else it’s going to be this chicken-fat yellow color,” says Gonzalez. “Most of the time, people who attempt this themselves will have busted-looking highlights. They’ll bleach the hair and then rinse it off without toning it. Or they’ll tone it with permanent color and lift all the natural color, making it orange.” Simply put: Just go to the professionals, and you won’t have any regrets. This article appeared on GQ A full head of hair is a sign of your health and good genes, so why to hide this treasure from the world? Longer locks on men often look non-trivial and sexy, of course, when they are cared for. There are many longer hairstyles which can turn out flattering for your lengthy tresses and won’t take more than a few minutes of your precious time on styling procedures. At the same time, you may be lucky to adopt one of those wash-scrunch-and-go dos which won’t dare to put on you any styling pressure at all. Here are 50 effortless and eye-catching styles for men who opt to sport their long stately locks with style. How to Choose the Best Men’s Long Hairstyle for Every Day? The best everyday hairstyle we can successfully adopt is the one that is supported by the natural texture of our hair. This statement is especially evident in regards to men’s hairstyles. If women can constantly flat iron or weave their hair, it’s hard to imagine a man with a curling iron in his hand. Low or preferably none maintenance is a top requirement for men’s dos. A decent haircut is crucial, especially when it comes to longer locks. Any omissions in the cut will tell on your general look and complicate the styling routines immensely. Fine hair with a tendency to a curl, for example, will frizz excessively if layered heavily. A shoulder-length hairstyle or a slightly shorter hairstyle with light layering for the ends works well for most men with good hair. Punk hairstyles look good on straight hair and suggest heavier layering with a spiky finish through the edges. Tucked behind the ear longer styles appear tidier and can be used as office day hairstyles. Long hair care routines include frequent washing, conditioning and usage of hydrated products to nourish and moisturize your hair, boosting its natural shine. To prevent men’s hairstyles for long hair from inclination into the feminine side, avoid using too much of styling products. A little bit of light hold gel or pomade can offer a better control, while curls often seem sexier in wet looks. Other than that, try to keep your hairstyles simple and offhand. Highlights are a useful option, but, again, they may lead you away from your solid masculine look. Balayage is a technique, colorists use to light hair strands at random. So, this might be a helpful idea for a desired sun-kissed effect. The bottom line would be this: make an appointment with an experienced stylist and choose one of the following looks you find appealing and can adopt for yourself. Effortless Long Hairstyles for Men Trendy in 2018 #1: Twist-In Bun Most hairstyles for men with long hair target those with a longer mane, but here’s one that can work even for those who are just about to work it into a ponytail. That’s actually what it is: two sections, divided and twisted loosely, joined into a low pony and then twirled in a sort of quick sloppy knot. Let the tips stick out, for a totally chilled-out vibe.
Hair by BrianMy name is Brian and I help people confidently take on the world. CategoriesAll Advice Announcement Awards Balayage Barbering Beach Waves Beauty News Book Now Brazilian Treatment Clients Cool Facts COVID 19 Health COVID 19 Update Curlies EGift Card Films Follically Challenged Gossip Grooming Hair Care Haircolor Haircut Hair Facts Hair History Hair Loss Hair Styling Hair Tips Hair Tools Health Health And Safety Healthy Hair Highlights Holidays Humor Mens Hair Men's Long Hair Newsletter Ombre Policies Procedures Press Release Previous Blog Privacy Policy Product Knowledge Product Reviews Promotions Read Your Labels Recommendations Reviews Scalp Health Science Services Smoothing Treatments Social Media Summer Hair Tips Textured Hair Thinning Hair Travel Tips Trending Wellness Womens Hair Archives
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